Once a course is built, change schedule details by scheduling course materials.

While any scheduling details of individual assignments may be changed in an existing course, the overall type of course schedule assigned during Course Builder may not be changed from the initial choice of None, Automatic, Manual, or Just In Time. For example, if Just In Time was selected during the initial course creation, all the graded assignments will start as not yet assigned by the instructor. Each assignment can be changed to scheduled; however, all the activities cannot be changed from not yet assigned to available at once. To change all the scheduling at once, create a new course using Course Builder or, if that is not an option, consult with OLI Help. 

Modifying a Course Schedule

  1. Start from the Manage Course page.
  2. Choose Schedule course materials from the left menu.
    Schedule Course summary page opens.
  3. Modify the start date, end date or time zone, if needed.
  4. Click Update to save changes and view the detailed schedule even if no changes were made.
    View detailed Schedule Course page including all activities and assignments.
  5. Optional: Click the links next to course content, typically units and modules, to add or change availability dates. Commonly, instructors leave content as Always open with the exception of graded assessments.
    Note: Opening or closing a section (Unit or Module) cascades the same availability to any nested Modules and graded assessments.
  6. Optional: Click the links next to assignments, then click Change scheduled dates to set open and close dates. Commonly, instructors only add open and close dates to graded assessments such as quizzes or checkpoints.
  7. Click Update to save changes. Repeat clicking Update, making changes as needed to cycle back to the Manage Course page. 

Detailed descriptions of scheduling options are provided in the general Scheduling guide under “Advanced Topics” on the Educator Resources page.