During Course Builder, the number of attempts is set globally for all assessments within the course. After the course is built, the number of attempts can be changed for all assessments or for each assessment individually.

Viewing the individual assessment settings is the only way to can view and change the Recommended and the Maximum number of attempts for an assessment. Typically, the Recommended and Maximum are the same for each assessment within a course.

Consider the Scoring Model choices along with increasing the number of attempts to more than one, determine which attempt should be saved in the Gradebook as the overall score. Choices include first, last, average, maximum, and minimum scores with maximum being the most common choice.

Change the Attempts Available on All Assessments

  1. Navigate to the Manage Course page.
  2. Choose "Change assessment options" from the left menu.
  3. Change Attempt(s) to 1, Recommended, or Max Available.
    Note: The number of attempts for Recommended or Max Available is only viewable from the individual assessments' settings, see View Individual Assessment Settings below

Change the Number of Attempts for One Assessment

Not all courses offer more than one attempt. If only 1 is available in the drop-down, then only one attempt is available. Contact OLI Help for options in how to provide students with more attempts if needed.

  1. Click the link to the assessment from either the OLI Syllabus or the page in the course (usually the last page in the Module) to navigate to the assignment window.
  2. Click "Update setting for this assignment" to navigate to the Assessment Options for the individual assessment.
    Note: Alternatively, navigate to the Assessment Options by clicking the assessment from the top of the column in the Gradebook, then clicking "Change settings ...".
  3. Click Override at the top of the 2nd column to change this assessment's settings from the global Course settings.
  4. Choose the number of attempts for this assessment.
  5. Click Update at the bottom to save changes.


View Individual Assessment Settings

  1. Click the link to the assessment from either the OLI Syllabus or the page in the course (usually the last page in the Module) to navigate to the assignment window.
  2. Click "Update setting for this assignment" to navigate to the Assessment Options for the individual assessment.
    Note: Alternatively, navigate to the Assessment Options by clicking the assessment from the top of the column in the Gradebook, then clicking "Change settings ...".
  3. Choose Update at the bottom to save the settings.