Create, delete, or reword (rename) Learning Objectives and Skills
Modified on: Fri, 15 Jun, 2018 at 2:09 PM
Create a Learning Objective
- Click Objectives in the menu bar.
- Enter the language for your learning objective in the New Objective Title field and click Create.
NOTE: Every newly created course project includes one default objective. You can delete or rename this objective and keep it. The default objective does not include any skills.

Create a Skill
- Locate the new learning objective in the list.
- Hover over the title and note the actions that appear to the right.
- Click on Add Skill: New.

Delete a Learning Objective
- Hover over the learning objective and note the actions that appear.
- At the far right click the X to delete the learning objective.

- To avoid the accidental deletion of a skill, you cannot delete a learning objective if a skill is attached and that skill is not attached to another learning objective. First you must manually delete the skill, which may have its own set of dependencies and requirements to satisfy before it can be deleted. See Delete a Skill below for details.

Delete a Skill
- Hover over the skill and note the actions that appear.
- At the far right click the X to delete the skill.

3. If the skill is attached to any questions in practice or scored assessments, you'll be warned and required to unattach it first. Click the link(s) in the resulting list to visit the assessment(s) where the skill is linked. OLI intentionally requires the user to manually unattach skills, rather than automatically, as a review exercise so you can ensure there are no questions that require the skill's persistence.

Reword (rename) a learning objective or skill
- Hover on the learning objective or skill and note the actions to the right.
- Choose Rename, make the desired changes, and click Done.

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