Add a new Sequence

A sequence is a fully-encapsulated section of content that can only be accessed from the Syllabus page, from the "where you were last working" bookmark, or from an internal page that links to another OLI page. When you reach the end of one sequence, there is no way to reach it from the last page of the preceding sequence. For example, if sequence 1 ends on pg. 100, students will not find a next-page navigation arrow to reach pg. 101 in sequence 2. Sequences in addition to the course itself are a rarely used element, and tend to be reserved for use cases such as instructor resources, addenda, or other materials that might be kept isolated from course content.

  1. Click +Add Sequence at the top of the organization

  2. The new sequence will appear at the bottom of the organization.

Add a new Unit, Module, or Page

  1. Hover on the element that contains the resource you want to add to reveal the available actions.
  2. Choose the Add New or Add Existing option that suits your need.
  3. The options are location-dependent. For example, hovering on a module reveals the ability to add a page or an assessment. You cannot add a unit so the option isn't presented.