OLI courses are set up to be accessed in one of two ways, not both. Both options are described below. If you still cannot sign in, email oli-help@cmu.edu.
If you still experience interrupted access to your OLI course materials, please reply with the exact wording of the error message, image or photo would be helpful. You can also email oli-help@cmu.edu directly or click Help from any OLI page.
How to Access OLI Course Materials
1. You set up an OLI Account ID and sign in at oli.cmu.edu
If you do have an OLI Account ID, the email set up as your contact will have an email with the subject "Welcome to OLI" with the OLI Account ID that you use to sign in at oli.cmu.edu.
2. Your course materials are accessed through a link set up by your instructor, you have no OLI Account ID.
If you have accessed your OLI course materials and have an instructor but do not remember setting up an OLI Account ID, your course may be accessed only through your school's link set up by your instructor.
If you are first signed in to your school’s system, the main link to OLI will take you straight to your course materials. You do not need or have an OLI account and password.
Troubleshooting Tips
1. Close and reopen the browser to restart from your school's system, first signing in to your school's system
2. Make sure you are signed in to your school's system (if the window has been open for a while, your sign-in expires)
3. Try another browser on your device
4. Try another device
5. Do not access from oli.cmu.edu
6. Do not access from a link or bookmark instead of from the main link set up by your instructor
7. Try the main link that worked initially if it is another link that is not working
Your access to your course materials is important! Let us know if you need anything by emailing oli-help@cmu.edu!