Note: This article is for students whose instructors have shared a COURSE KEY for their OLI course. If your instructor didn't share a Course Key, you may access your course directly from a link in your school's system with no OLI Account ID and no Course Key - this type of link takes you straight to OLI when you are signed in to your school's system.

Student registration with a Course Key

  1. Visit the OLI Course Key registration page (, enter your Course Key, and click the Register button.
  2. Enter your account information on the next screen, then confirm it's correct. Use the Edit Account button to update your information.
    Note: The Account ID cannot be changed once the account has been created. Use your correct email address or another format for the Account ID.
    Note: Please use a valid email address. Otherwise your instructor and OLI Support cannot contact you from within your OLI course.
  3. On the next page, agree to allow your anonymous data being used in academic research into the effectiveness of online learning environments. If you don't want your anonymous data being used or if you're under 18 years old, choose "disagree" and proceed.

  4. Confirm that you're registering for the course you expect. Sometimes instructors accidentally provide a course key for an old course, so remember to check the Start and End dates for the course.
  5. If your course requires payment, you'll be prompted to pay before accessing your content.
    Note: Some schools provide OLI Payment Codes via their bookstores as an alternative to using a credit card. It is likely you already know of this option if it is available through your school's bookstore.
  6. Some courses include a payment grace period. If you select the grace period, you can start your course immediately and can submit payment any time. If your grace period expires without payment, your data will be saved but your access to the course will be restricted until payment is made.
    Note: The grace period has no bearing on your course's schedule or due dates. If you are locked out of your course your due dates remain unchanged.
  7. After a successful payment the registration process is complete and your course can be found in the blue My Academic Courses column of your My Courses page.

Once you've created an account and enrolled in your course, continue to access your course by signing in with your OLI Account ID at or